Heres the problem with star ratings - If you you rate something like Stelvio Pass as 5 stars, and you rank Redwood Road with 5 stars, does that mean Redwood Road is pretty much equal to Stelvio Pass for a motorcyclist? Not for me. I like Redwood and Pinehurst, and ride them at least once per week year round because theyre in my neighborhood. Theyre also in neighborhood of hundreds of thousands of other folks, and when the weather is nice it seems like many of them are out there. So what have we got? Weve got a nice twisty road (Redwood) winding along a geologically active area, with so so road surface, lots of cyclists, a fair number of sightseers on the weekend, a ridiculously low speed limit (25 mph), and as spring arrives a fresh school of squid, not to mention the wannabe drifters in their tuner cars (one of whom killed a friend of mine last winter).Having trashed it, its still a fun road if you can time your visit for when there arent a lot of other users. Additionally, Pinehurst - while short and sweet - is my favorite road in the east bay.
A 12km stretch with a very nice combination of corners that you can just keep going back for!
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