I rated scenery here "Very Nice." This is a relative term. There is NO pretty way to get across This section of the southwest so relative to I-40 or I-80, US 50 is, in fact, "Very Nice!"
What makes it so is the shear expanse of terrain and utter desolation. Dubbed "The Loneliest Road in America," US Hwy 50 lives up to the name: there´s nobody out there! There´s something exhilarating about that (so make sure start "full" in Ely or Carson and get gas in Austin, NV)
The straights on this 2 lane rd are VERY long and VERY straight (straight enough to get ´er up to 140 mph) but there are several very pleasant and twisty surprises across intermittent mtn. ranges along the way.
Ely is a pretty busy little town compared to most. With casinos and a decent steakhouse at the Jailhouse Casino Hotel, it´s a good place to shoot for to spend the night.
The loneliest road in America should be experienced by everyone once, if only to lose yourself and then find yourself again.