US 50 : Carson City - Baker ( The loneliest road in America )

Star Rating Graphic (2.5) 596 kms
iron_butt_1500 | Oktober 26, 2010 | Amerika > Verenigde Staten > Nevada Motorroutes > NV - Douglas/CarsonCity/Churchill/Lander...

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Bochten Star Rating Graphic (3.5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.5)
Rechte StukkenStar Rating Graphic (4.5)
LandschapStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
ZichtbaarheidStar Rating Graphic (4)
WeggesteldheidStar Rating Graphic (4)
Gevaarlijke puntenStar Rating Graphic (2)
Politiecontroles Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Oktober 14, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

I rated scenery here "Very Nice." This is a relative term. There is NO pretty way to get across This section of the southwest so relative to I-40 or I-80, US 50 is, in fact, "Very Nice!"

What makes it so is the shear expanse of terrain and utter desolation. Dubbed "The Loneliest Road in America," US Hwy 50 lives up to the name: there´s nobody out there! There´s something exhilarating about that (so make sure start "full" in Ely or Carson and get gas in Austin, NV)

The straights on this 2 lane rd are VERY long and VERY straight (straight enough to get ´er up to 140 mph) but there are several very pleasant and twisty surprises across intermittent mtn. ranges along the way.

Ely is a pretty busy little town compared to most. With casinos and a decent steakhouse at the Jailhouse Casino Hotel, it´s a good place to shoot for to spend the night.

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Oktober 26, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

The loneliest road in America should be experienced by everyone once, if only to lose yourself and then find yourself again.

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