A61 : Ripley - Ripon

Star Rating Graphic (2.67) 10 kms
phephoto46 | Mei 23, 2006 | Europa > Verenigd Koninkrijk Motorroutes > Yorkshire

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Bochten Star Rating Graphic (3.3)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.4)
Rechte StukkenStar Rating Graphic (3.2)
LandschapStar Rating Graphic (3.2)
ZichtbaarheidStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
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Gevaarlijke puntenStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
Politiecontroles Star Rating Graphic (3.2)


Have your say....
April 16, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

has been sanitised with lots of white paint and double lines but still can be a good run - better if you do it early morning when there is minimal traffic, otherwise it has a tendency to make you ride like a loon (there are usually a few of them to be seen on Weds evenings in biking season)

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Augustus 2, 2009 - Star Rating Graphic

Rode this route this morning on the way back from Hawes, better than the A1 but too busy to take too much enjoyment on board, ok as an alternative on your way but there are far better roads near by!!

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Juni 23, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

I have to agree with previous comments, far too busy to enjoy. Tractors, caravans and lorrys all slow the traffic with very few places to overtake.

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  • morfius
  • Suzuki GSXR 1000 K3
  • Punten: 22
Februari 22, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

far too busy on any given day, not one to enjoy. If the cars ever evaporate then it will be worth riding.

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  • pete
  • Ducati 1098
  • Punten: 154
Juli 12, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

Unfortunately you could ride this road a hundred times and get one good run out of them all - I know, I've tried! I use it as the opening gambit for my run to the North of Ripon up to Leyburn - A6108. This forms part of "Bike" mags 440 test route and it is very good indeed. Several places where you can get it airborne, many good corners and combination corners, the A6108 is great fun. Avoid the A61 for fun, just use it as a cut through really. There ARE a lot of bad smashes on here, cars usually but it has a well deserved and fearsome reputation, and is always policed!

Mei 23, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

From Ripley take the A61 to Ripon Plenty of sweeping bends all the way popular with bikes and also popular with coppers keep both eyes open

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